Second Chance Cowboy

Second Chance Cowboy
Author: Sharon Silva
Series: Dogwood Series, Book 9
Genre: Sweet Romance
Publisher: Parker Hayden Media
Format: eBook and Print
Length: novel

He’s loved her for decades. She’s finally come home. But an unexpected secret and a ring of thieves threatens their second chance at love.

About the Book

Rosalie Roberts returns to Dogwood, Colorado after a failed marriage and a faded acting career, hoping for a fresh start. But when a shocking revelation makes her realize the father of her adult son isn’t the man she thought he was—literally—she struggles with unexpected choices…and with facing the man she fell in love with over twenty years ago.

Wayne Withers is cautious about the return of the woman he’s carried a torch for since their youth. She hurt him—not once, but twice, and he’s not letting it happen again. He wants to believe she’s back to stay, but he’s suspicious about her ex. When cattle are stolen from the Second Chance Ranch, Wayne throws himself into finding the thieves before he can make things right with Rosalie.
Troubles mount as suspicious incidents continue to plague the ranch. Will Wayne find out who is behind the crimes? Can Rosalie ever tell the man she really loves the truth? More importantly, will this be the second chance they’ve always dreamed of?

Will love be enough when a secret from their past threatens her—-or only break his heart one more time?

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